Sylvie's Slay

The Mustard Euphoria Sandwich

This sandwich is very important to me and holds an impoooorrrtttaaannnnnttttt place in my heart 🥺.
Okay I'm done with the sappy stuff bro this is stupid the recipe is right below you just look at it fr 😭😭😭

Okay look at the recipe now.

The Recipe


  • Get out a roll or 1-2 slice(s) of bread and put it on your plate. Then, get out all your other ingredients.

  • Put on as much mustard as preferred, spread it out with a knife.

  • With one slice of turkey breast, cut it into four pieces and put one of those pieces on. However, this step is optional.

  • On a chopping board, wash a tomato and cut it with a sharp knife. You can not skip this step. You must add tomatoes.

  • Warning: This step is kinda confusing and I'm too lazy to show illustrations so just bear with me
    Use one slice of havarti cheese, or any cheese you would like best, and fold the cheese into 4 pieces so 2 on each side, or 2 slices if you are using bread.

  • Once assembled, enjoy :D